Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Passport: Part 2 - Jokes

So...Monday. I had a pretty bad start to my day. I was feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with trying to keep everything straight with the mission trip. I came home from work in the afternoon and began to spend time in prayer. The last thing I prayed about was my passport. It had been a couple of weeks since I sent all my information in and I received no phone call and received no news one way or the other. At the end of my prayer I felt like I should just step out in faith and go check the mailbox and believe that God was going to send me my passport that afternoon. I should say, I never check the mail (my hubs does it every night) and I don't even know what time our mail comes.

But, out the mailbox I went, thinking about how awesome it would be if my passport came. Trot, trot, trot, scrunch, scrunch scrunch (that is the gravel under my feet as I traveled across my driveway).
Popped open the mailbox and it was loaded with mail. I shuffled through it quickly and lo and behold... a large letter from the State Department! I was SOOO excited! I could feel the passport inside and the whole way back to the house I kept thinking about how cool God is. He knew my need even before I prayed, he prompted me to go and look in the box. I was dreaming about how I would blog about this moment and then...

I ripped open the letter, dumped out the contents, snatched up the passport and gasped when I realized it was just my old one sent back to me. I quickly scoured the date on it and sure enough, this was not what I needed. I grabbed the envelope and looked inside again, hoping and praying that somehow I had missed the new one. Nada. My heart began to sink and that's when I saw the slip of paper sitting on the counter that fell out of my State Department envelope. I picked it up, about to cry knowing that this letter was going to confirm my worst fear: I was denied.

It read:
"Your passport application has been

WHOOP WHOOP! Praise God! The rest of the letter informed me that it would be shipped separately. Talk about making your heart stop! Holla! I tore through the rest of the mail and praise God! it was there! I could only imagine God watching me and just laughing at the roller coaster of emotions I had experienced in a matter of minutes. God's got jokes, that's what's up.

I can now officially say that I am going on the trip and have a legal passport! Please, join me in my happy dance! 

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