Sunday, March 24, 2013

Baked Brown Rice... Easy!

Okay friends, I have the best recipe for you today. This recipe has very few ingredients, is simple to execute and you only have to work for about five minutes top. Basically, my favorite kind of recipe to make.

Here we go. Do you have brown rice? You should, it's good for you. It is full of B vitamins, iron, magnesium  and fiber. Want to know how I know? Wikipedia told me so! Ha! I can use Wikipedia as a reliable source now that I'm not in grad school and I don't have to face the fiery wrath of angry professors who shout from their pulpits about how unprofessional Wikipedia is. BTW, I actually love Wikipedia. It is my number one go to website. I digress. 

Brown rice. YUMMMMM. Seriously, I love it and I promise you, cooking it my way gives it a very nice flavor. Why? Because you add just a pinch of salt and a dab of butter. Look at the pic. 

Wa la! Those are you ingredients. Brown rice, salt, butter and aluminum foil. 
To be fair, this recipe is not one that I made up. I got it from this master here

So, let's get started. 
Alton Brown's Baked Brown Rice

1 1/2 C. Brown Rice
2 1/2 C. Water
1 Tablespoon Butter (or margarine or whatever you use) 
1 Teaspoon. Salt 

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Put brown rice in an 8x8 baking dish. In a small pot, bring water butter and salt to boil. When it boils, pour over rice. Cover rice with foil (I do a double layer) and put in oven for 65 minutes. Boom. Done. Pull it out, fluff it with a fork and enjoy! 

Alton says that it makes four servings. I think it can make 6-8. 

Here are some suggestions for how you can enjoy this delicious treat! 

1. Eat it plain, seriously it is awesome! 
2. Splash a bit of  teriyaki sauce on it. 
3. Mix in some spices. When you are boiling the water, salt and butter add a dash of rosemary, thyme and/or garlic. 
4. Want cheesy rice? Melt some cheese on top (my favorite is garlic parmesan or pesto jack). 
5. Want to make into a larger meal? Cube and grill up some chicken and pineapple, toss in raw broccoli and mix all together with some teriyaki. 

I promise, this recipe is so simple. The longest part is waiting for the water to boil and really... that takes a mere minute or two. Pop it it in the oven and don't worry about babysitting it. When that timer goes off, pull it out and enjoy! Great for breakfast, lunch or dinner!  

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